90-Day Balance

90-Day Balance



  • an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady
  • a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions


  • keep or put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall
  • offset or compare the value of (one thing) with another

How we define balance

Balance is defined as being able to remain upright and walk gracefully, a state of equality, equanimity, an emotionally and mentally stable mind body and soul.

Are YOU in balance?

If you answered no to this question, you’re not alone. Most people today will admit that neither they nor their lives are in balance. Within each person, we have our psychological, physical and spiritual balance. We have our illness/wellness balance, and we have our work/life balance.

90-Day Balance

Program Prep

Phase I (1-30)

Phase II (30-60)

Phase III (60-90)



Mind Body Soul advocates an assess-address, results-oriented, program-based approach, while simultaneously utilizing the most advanced technologies and metrics in the health and fitness industry. Our Company offers a personalized, 90-Day Balance program, including the 10-Day Colon Cleanse, UltraDetox 10-Day Pure Pack, Intermittent Fasting (IF), the Ketogenic Diet, the 30-Day Detox Pure Pack, the Wim Hof Method of deep breathing, Functional Movement and Holistic Health Coaching.

Hydrate | 90-Day Balance | mindbodysoul holistic health & wellness
Intermittent Fasting | 90-Day Balance | mindbodysoul holistic health & wellness
Intermittent Fasting
The Ketogenic Diet | mindbodysoul holistic health & wellness
Ketogenic Diet
Functional Movement | mindbodysoul holistic health & wellness
Functional Movement
The Wim Hof Method | mindbodysoul holistic health & wellness
The Wim Hof Method

MBS’s extensive programming is based in the belief that though it takes 21 days to break a habit, it requires 90-180 days to both physiologically and psychologically adhere to a lifestyle change. The focus is for clients to evolve beyond non-productive habits by implementing a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

The real question is will you change? It all starts with YOU~ First, in who you can be, thoughts become words. Second, in how you get there, words become actions. Third, in why you change, actions make up your character.

Human health & wellness

The understanding of human health is ever-expanding. MBS realizes that health is never as simple as it seems. Internally, there is an interconnection between the different biological systems, just as those systems are influenced by the external environment. The understanding of these relationships requires a new approach to health–a systems approach–whereby the impact of each human biological system is evaluated in relation to each other, not in isolation.

Imbalances in these systems occur as a result of exposure to psychological, physical as well as spiritual challenges and ultimately lead to adverse signs and symptoms; addressing these, while identifying root-cause disturbances, restores balance and improves outcomes. Our Company’s pursuit is to learn the best way to navigate these complexities and find solutions for client issues.

Need Advice?

Our team of health coaches are here to listen and offer feedback while addressing any questions or concerns on your journey toward holistic health & wellness.

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