Join Your Community

Who is it for?

Our community is here for anyone and everyone interested in sharing their stories, and supporting each other throughout their journey on the 90-Day Balance program. We all want to feel welcome and supported in life and it all starts with YOU!

90-Day Balance mindbodysoul holistic health & wellness

Our Community

Stella Lindley mindbodysoul Health Coach

Stella Lindley

Certified Health Coach

A health/life coach who  has been instilling knowledge since the age of 16. Stella has a way of encouraging you to be the very best you can be.

Ronald Edward Wesley Founder mindbodysoul Holistic Health Coach

Ronald Edward Wesley


After 24+ years of professional experience, and along with being the founder of mbs, Wesley is a certified holistic health coach, personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist. In addition, he is also a certified nutritionist, detoxification specialist as well as certified in neuroscience. 

Gaby Williams mindbodysoul Health Coach

Gaby Williams

Certified Health Coach

If there’s someone who can tell you the truth, Gaby is the one. Not only does she teach you the how, she also explains the why. Let her show you the way.

mindbodysoul 21-day cleanse before & after

Celebrate with US!

In addition to our online posts, we also offer an option to take part in a live community meet up. It takes place at one of a variety of local healthy eating haunts located in Los Angeles, CA. 

Best Before & After

We know the only way you truly understand how far you’ve come on the 90-Day Balance program is to see your before & after shots! 

mindbodysoul 21-day cleanse before & after

Need Advice?

Our team of health coaches are here to listen and offer feedback while addressing any questions or concerns on your journey toward holistic health & wellness.

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