Klean Athlete

When athletes visit your practice, they each present a unique set of challenges and individual needs. They may not be sick, but could be injured. They’re both energized and fatigued from their latest adventure, training session or competition.

The Klean Athlete product line provides a solid nutrient foundation, including the vitamins, minerals and nutrients the body needs to perform at its best.

Klean Athlete products fuel and fortify any athlete’s ability to optimize performance despite life’s daily stresses and promote an athlete’s overall health and wellness at any age, intensity or experience level.

Every bottle of Klean Athlete is tested and certified by the NSF Certified for Sport® program,designed to endure safer sports nutrition, free from banned substances and contaminants.

Whether you work with recreational athletes, active baby boomers or professional athletes, Klean Athlete has a place in your practice.

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