Keto Breakfast Smoothie
Our Keto Breakfast Smoothie is a USDA certified organic, non-GMO, vegan, low glycemic index, gluten free, antioxidant rich, kosher, keto friendly, plant-based breakfast smoothie integral to the 21-Day Cleanse, 30-Day Maintain as well as the 90-Day Balance program.
The Keto Breakfast Smoothie along with adequate hydration, intermittent fasting, the Ketogenic diet, functional movement and the Wim Hof Method of deep breathing and cold therapy are all key to 90-Day Balance program.
Use the small scoop (1 tablespoon) from the Organic Greens & Reds powders for the following nine:
- 1 scoop Foods Alive Non-Fortified Nutritional Yeast (Natural Source B Vitamins)
- 1 scoop Pamela’s or Sideaway’s Nut Flour Blend (Almonds Coconut Pecans Walnut)
- 1 scoop Let’s Do Organic Unsweetened Coconut Flour
- 1 scoop 365 Organic Black/White Chia Seed
- 1 scoop Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts (Shelled Hemp Seeds)
- 1 scoop Sunfood Super Foods Organic Cacao Powder
- 1 scoop Sunfood Super Foods Raw Organic Maca Powder
- 1 scoop Microbiome Protect w/IgG powder
- 1 large scoop Ultra Protein Plus or Ultra Protein Green
- 8 oz 365 Organic Unsweetened Almond or Coconut Milk (No Soy as it can raise estrogen)
- 1 tablespoon Bulletproof MCT Oil
- 1 packet (1 oz) of Artisana Organics Raw Coconut Butter
- A dash of Pink Himalayan Sea Salt
- 745 calories
- 56 g fat
- 35 g carbs
- 30 g protein
Mix it all together in a blender or bowl and enjoy!